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Social Media

How does the Internet both impede and aid in social interaction?

StubbedMitosis 3 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Social media has bastardized the human connection. I feel like it is only such a big part of our lives because we allowed it to be. We don't really need social media to interact with each other but somehow we believe we do. People spend hours a day staring at their phone screens but are terrified to actually talk on the phone to someone. I believe that the Internet has done a lot of good in the age of information, but people rely on it as a crutch too much. People don't actually retain knowledge anymore because they can always just Google something when they need to know. I feel that the Internet and Social Media are like anything a tool, we can use it as one or, it can use us as one.


The bravery created by the almost-anonymity is a double-edged sword.


On balance it is about the same as cars and better than television.
I am off to the beach, but may come back to this one if I need to elaborate. But if you consider the impact of them on society, it is pretty clear.


It impedes by taking up one's time. People will sit for hours on end online. It also aids by bringing like-minded people together and they learn how appropriately communicate to one another.


More people talking to each other, fewer people really knowing each other.


I think the only way it impedes is by strpping people of the connection that comes with real, face-to-face interraction. There have been many studies involving this one. As for aiding it, well, the fact that we can connect with others without ever needing to leave the house or have access to overly fancy equipment is a major leap in communication technology. I can speak with friends I haven't heard from in ages and make new ones I've yet to shake hands with. It's an amazing time to be alive, really.


When you realise how stupid the majority is you don't want to leave the house and meet them .


Username wins the internet for today. That is all. 😛

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