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Who would like to see political campaigns shorten to three month before the election?

  • 13 votes
  • 2 votes
Marine 8 Apr 7

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In a country this size l would be happy with six months.


Opinions changed during the campaign, it took time to adjust to the loss of our one best hope, Bernie, and then to understand that the other Democrat (I'm a Democrat, but a left wing one) was a warmaker.


I had to vote no, however I would very much wish the political campaigns to be reduced. If believe if you give the challenger to the incumbent only three months of campaigning you will no longer see campaigns such as Bernie Sanders. It would kill any grassroots movement that takes time to build. Also, the campaigning would be switched to the SuperPacs to do the politicians bidding.


Id like to see politicians wages shorten to the same as the minimum wage


I would like to see these campaigns limited to 3 mos. because it would reduce costs, public could fund these campaigns, we could remove big business from backing these people, perhaps improve quality of candidate & if they cannot get their point across in 3 mos. they aren't going to get it across in office either.

has trump stopped campaigning yet?


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