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Which came first?
There is an age old question of the chicken or the egg. Which came first?

Well, I have the same question, just different subjects. Which came first, religion or stupidity?

Since, I personally believe religion is POISIN, I often wonder if the stupid needs religion or if religion produces stupidity.

It seems to me that most religious leaders are nothing more than gospel pimps and con artists and their followers are brainless sheep who have forsaken all logic and reason.

Case in point: Jim Jones, Jim and Tammy Baker, Pat Robertson, T.D. Jakes, Joel Olstink and many others who have become millionaires off the backs of the stupid.

No matter, what they tell the people, it is received and believed with no questions asked. All in tge name of religion.

So, the stupid are drawn to religious bullsh*t or the religious leaders off it up like a fresh bowl of fruit loops and their moronic followers gobble it up with their stupid amens and aint GAWD goods.

There are actually Pastors in Africa, maybe other places as well, who tell their followers to eat grass, like cows and guess what?

Others have demanded that their female members come to the church service wearing no draws (panties), or convincing young woman to allow the Pastor to ejaculate inside of them to receive the Holy Spirit (ya can't make this sh*t up)

Then we have so-called EVANGELICAL dummies who are convinced anyone who doesn't accept or agree with their political views are agents of Satan.

So, which came first ladies and gentlemen Stupidity or Religion?

My guess is religion attracts the STUPID, nonthinking embeciles who will believe anything!

PhillipSEE 6 Aug 9

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There is a lady missionary who makes frequent journeys to Africa; she goes to save child orphans from being put to death for witchcraft and they are killed in the most barbaric ways. It was reported in my local newspaper when her congregation held a celebration of her work. Why won't she admit that these murders are a result of her faith. She is on a forever task of destroying that which she hates, yet she refuses to accept the blame, which she is part of. I find her intellect and that of her congregation mind boggling.


I think, jokingly, that like the chicken and the egg they co evolved.

But having said that, religion is a cultural creation and once it was the same things as culture, in that it was the only cultural understanding of the world people had, so that it involved everyone. I think therefore that it was intelligence and understanding which led some people out of it, rather than stupidity which led people into it.


I think YOU came first


Religion was created to exploit and control the stupid.


I'm not sure but I think stupidity began right after the invention of the wheel and people started driving.

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