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The hubris of man sometimes shocks me! Just because we are sentient, we assume that no other creature is and that there is a BIG MAN in the sky who put all this in place, just for us!! This is equivalent to pre-Galilean ideas that the Earth is flat, at the center of the Universe and that the sun, moon, and stars circle the earth!
Oh how the whole Universe...wrapped in its eternal silence must be 'laughing' at us!

Green_Soldier71 7 Aug 9

Enjoy being online again!

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The herd mentality in humans appears to override any other rationale it would appear. It’s much easier to go along with the majority, less bother than thinking for ourselves. Religion is purely an accident of birth in most cases and most people never question that, or ask why the religion of their forebears is the one true belief, when another person in another part of the world will have been born into a completely different “true faith”. Most people never alter or question the faith they were born into, ever, or the existence of god, in their entire lives...they just accept it as fact!


I'm not really sure that all humans are actually sentient.

The evidence would seem to be against it.

Your thought couples elegantly with the observation that common sense is a remarkably uncommon commodity.

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