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What is it with dancing, anyways?

So much trauma from school dances and such. Music sucks too. I mean rilly.

Hicks66 7 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I have no idea why I like it, I'm not that good at it, but the music just takes me away.

I feel that too. But I used to mosh. Crowd killing pretty much ended that for me. But the standard Fred Astair- Ginger Rogers routine is absolutely beyond me. Or Saturday Night Fever... Gads, I'm showing my age.


Dancing. Ugh. Short of having my toe nails pulled off with pliers, I can think of no torture worse than dancing. Allow me to show you Angel and Wesley dancing - and I make them look cool:


Can't dance. Tried. Wanted to. Suck so hard at it. Done with it, for good.

I think because I learned from a young age to interpret music--and, therefore, rhythm--through my fingers via piano and later violin, all my rhythm neurons got wired, young and strongly, to my hands--and woe to any other part of my body that would try to relate to rhythm!

I hate being im environments where people ask you to dance. No, I'm not just being shy or self-conscious. Ive had many years sucking very badly at this, this time won't be any different, it's not fun for me, and I'm totally done. Leave me alone and don't act like I'm out of line for saying no just because there's a cover band and Bud Light in plastic cups. Rrr.

Quite right - if you don't enjoy it, just don't do it. I mean, some people enjoy rock climbing. I think those people are crazy. Horses for courses, right?

Quite right - if you don't enjoy it, just don't do it. I mean, some people enjoy rock climbing. I think those people are crazy. Horses for courses, right?

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