Today while driving home Westbound from Danbury, Wisconsin I thought it would be amusing to count the political yard signs along the way. The route is 118 miles of rural County and State roadways through areas of farms, fields, forest, and wetlands
The tally was 12 Trump signs and 2 Joe Biden signs. Interestingly, the 2 Biden signs were both in Danbury pretty close to one another.
This was just a way of breaking the monotony of driving.
I don’t think this actually means much of anything. Just a bit of observation along a defined route.
It does seem to be a hint that the published polls may be getting it wrong again.
Silly me I forgot how political signs work. Democratic signs usually have to be replaced 2 or 3 times. It seems like republicans around here can't stand for someone to disagree with them. My husband and I put up a for big sign on the highway on a friend's property. It was torn down within 3 days Kenneth built a bigger sign. It lasted 2 weeks. We found it chopped up with an ax and thrown in the ditch. Kenneth very quietly said to me every time they tear it down I'm going to make it bigger. He proceeded to install telephone poles and we put up an 8 by 16 sign. I used a projector to paint the message which said " Enough is Enough Vote Democrat. The telephone poles where tightly wrapped with barbwire to prevent a chainsaw from taking them down. That sign lasted 8 and a half months. Evidently someone stopped periodically and meticulously moved the barbwire until they knew they had a place to put their chainsaw.
Another poster mentioned that some people actually fear their neighbors when they put up democratic signs. That reminded me of the the little old ladies I would see at the grocery store when I used to write letters to the editor They would stop me and say thank you so much for your letter I feel so alone sometimes and it is so wonderful to feel that other people think like me. I would always encourage them to write their own letter and frequently I got an answer that said oh no I can't do that I live alone.
Wow! I was ‘the sign guy,’ among other things.. in my previous home in the hills. Same shit from the R’s, though. I’d place 4 X 8’s in farmer’s fields -- so deep the R’s couldn’t get to them easy - especially during the Spring & Fall rains
Once, returning to my truck after erecting one of those (actually two, making a ‘V’ shape for highway visibility), a guy and his wife were waiting ‘to meet me.’ “Are you the one that wrote that letter in the paper,” they excitedly asked? “I told them about you,” said my sign buddy.. “We just had to meet you!” “And … would you put up a sign on our property?” ...made it all worthwhile
Wow! You've got some pretty determined neighbors.
Actually, it’s a sign of the arrogance and self-righteousness of ‘trumpers.’ And being they’re dangerous people, the smart lay low.
Speaking of which, Mom called yesterday evening to describe her trip to the bank and substantial money order to support Democratic Senatorial Candidates across the nation. No bumper-stickers or yard signs for her, she lets her money talk
I was going to post this but here is a good place to start. We all know of this event and it speaks to me the stupidity and vitriol that tRump and his enablers have brought to the country. This guy is older and people have said he is not right in the head. He has a business with a large poster about his business. He recently attached a tRump 2029 sign on the billboard which is located on the main road coming onto the island from the ferry. Apparently people with paintball guns have been defacing the sign. Then he took matters into his own hands and so this story. What does he think this country has become that he can do what he did. These signs are right in front of the main fire dept. building which also houses the local police. He did this in full view and apparently thought it was all right and nothing would happen. Stupidity should have been added to the charges. This county is not in the bible belt. We are a very liberal place and do tolerate opposing views albeit on a peaceful level.
Maybe. Trump supporters are more likely to put out yard signs. You saw 12-2. Do you think 6X as many people are for Trump? Trump supporters are more brazen.
If signage is working the same in Wisconsin as it is an Oklahoma, part of the reason is because trump had more early money and got his signs out quicker There are very few signs in Oklahoma for Biden and people are calling me daily to try to get one. I am no longer the person to see about signs but its hard to break old habits.