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So one disease down and lots of new ones to come along. Africa is destroying more of it's natural resources than any other continent. It is putting more and more people up against the wild animals and this contact is what leads to diseases and pandemics.

@dave1459 I agree and this is also happening in Africa. In Africa there are many different 'wild' animals that don't appear in other places and this is especially destructive. PBS just put out a new episode in it's Nature series and the show "Serengeti Rules" shows the importance of keystone species. Even my area was shown.


Thank goodness noone pushed antivaxxer theories to African continent.

There's plenty of anti Vax sentiment there, it's just rooted in different things. I think a major difference is that when you see your children or others suffering, you're more inclined to take the risk of prevention. The vast majority of anti vaxxers in the US have never seen the ravages of these diseases and have no clue what they're actually advocating for in light of that.

@Amzungu It was seeded in ignorance and lack of knowledge. In the states it's being propped up by misinformation campaigns trim Russian bots and loons like Alex Jones and Qanon.


Yes...and it’s been an uphill struggle against the suspicion, ignorance and downright lies from clerics and others.

I find it ironic that we are making such progress in places where formal education is far less widespread, and such regression where it is inherent. People think this Covid pandemic is bad, just wait till we start seeing more and more of the diseases we've made such progress against resurfacing in widespread fashion. The anti Vax movement has put the US at great risk for losing the herd immunity we worked so hard to acquire against so many disabling diseases.

@Amzungu it’s already happened with measles, here in the UK too they’ve had serious outbreaks. I think whole generations of people having been born from the 6Os on, do not realise how dangerous these illnesses were prior to the vaccination programmes started after WW2. I remember when I was a child the TB and Polio scares, and children taking seriously ill. I also believe we can lay much of the blame of this anti-vaxing rhetoric and hysteria on the charlatan Dr. Andrew Wakefield. That man should be behind bars and not just struck off as a medical practitioner....his poison is still being spread on the Internet,

@Marionville I completely agree about Wakefield. I don't understand why there is not more accountability for these con men. His actions are as destructive as a mass murderer in my eyes, and why his lies and falsified research is still allowed to flourish on the internet as 'truth' without repercussions blows my mind. We've reached the point where our freedoms are working against us in more than one way. Here in the US, we've seen multiple outbreaks of measles as well. It's truly sad how much progress we've undone.

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