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LINK ‘Uncle Tom’: Tim Scott, Herschel Walker RNC Speeches Elicit Harsh Reactions | NewsOne

Whether through sheer coincidence — or not — “Uncle Tom” was one of the top trending topics on Twitter Tuesday morning following the opening night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) that featured several Black men making the case for Donald Trump to be re-elected.

snytiger6 9 Aug 25

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I remember when Walker was a Dallas Cowboy. As star he was on TV a lot. This is not a bright man, so this does not surprise me.

He's not stupid, he played NJ Generals owned by Trump and was on The Apprentice. He's a sell out. Played for Eagles too.

@barjoe. He might be a sellout, but I used to hear him all of the time. He is not bright.

@Sticks48 Most Dallas Cowboys aren't. lol


Didn't know about Herschel Walker, that's disappointing, sell out. The one who pissed me off was Vernon Jones, who's district got rewritten. He's a Democrat legislator so he was up there with a vicious tirade to stay in power. A real political opportunist. Tim Scott was at least statesmanlike.

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