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While they strive to be able to interpret dreams, and I would expect that they can to a certain degree, I think that there is a certain amount of error involved, simply because something that symbolizes a certain thing in one person's dream can easily symbolize something different in another person's dream, since each person has had different experiences with reality.

Archeus_Lore 7 Aug 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Dreams are your mind's way of preparing you to handle daily stress or tragedy. That’s been known for many decades. They also let me know I’ve had enough sleep 🙂

Varn Level 8 Aug 26, 2020

I have had several precognative dreams see future events that come to furition.

Word Level 8 Aug 26, 2020

So have I, though I can safely say most of my dreams tend to be more symbolic than precognitive. For the most part it becomes a matter of understanding psychology and symbology (both personal and societal) to sort them out.

@AmyLF one dream I seen a man walking near my high school football stadium. Few years later I met this man and it was connected to some other dreams come to furition.

The dreams and the actual events were not exactly like a movie rewind but there were some things that did match up.

The man I met in person from a dream called himself by 4 titles: Alpha and omega; son of Lucifer; Grim reaper and nameless-faceless one.

Be careful with those types of dreams. It could easily have been a memory coming to the surface. Often we don't notice the people around us when in public but the subconscious can pick them up and file them away. It's quite likely you did see that person passing your school stadium but were preoccupied and didn't consciously notice.

As for what names you get in a dream... that can depend on where you do put your attention, if you watch shows with subject matter that use those terms (I know I have with most of them), or if you think much about such things anyway. Dreams tend to mix a lot of that subconscious stuff with your own fears and desires, then invite the imagination to stir it up.

@AmyLF when I met the man in person, he would not tell me what is name was he only quoted the 4 titles. They were not spoken in the dream of the man.

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