If you are elected as the leader of your country, what is the very first thing you would do for your nation?
Just for a bit of fun. Include your country in your comment.
I live in Northern Ireland, that part of the UK that is obsessed with national identity, religion and culture....British or Irish? and Catholic or Protestant? I would ban all marches (both Orange and Green) and all and any flags and emblems (Irish, Ulster or British). I think this would go a long way to stopping the annual raised tensions and potential for conflict and rioting during the marching season!
In the UK. Bottom line from which everything else stems, create a more accountable democratic government system, starting by replacing of the house of lords with a proper second chamber.
U.S. - Throw top 500 corrupt bastard politicians in jail and ask questions later.
India - Throw top 5,000 corrupt bastard politicians in jail and ask questions later.
That is too much work. I will solve more problems in one stroke.
The question was about the first "thing" you would do. We must follow instructions.
Mangos were all South-Asian.
Origin: The mango is native to southern Asia, especially Burma and eastern India. It spread early on to Malaya, eastern Asia and eastern Africa. Mangos were introduced to California (Santa Barbara) in 1880. Forms: The mango exists in two races, one from India and the other from the Philippines and Southeast Asia.
The bets mango in the world is the Alfonso Mango from India. I have eaten the Mexican mangos and they don't even remotely compare with the Alfonso mango.
I'd roll back everything trump did and reinstate everything Obama did.. Then arrest trump and everyone who supports him..