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LINK New Rule: #FreeUpTheMail | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube

#FreeUpTheMail Take this seriously! In two more weeks STOP using the mail for ANYTHING that is NOT ESSENTIAL! Please, SHARE THIS IDEA on all of your social media accounts - seriously. WE have to DO SOMETHING, because our government obviously can't!

Nunya 6 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Ohferpetessake, just go buy some Forever stamps, that will actually "shore them up".
If we all got just $20 worth, they would have to STFU about how they are "losing money"!

But that's not going to stop the problem of the sorting machines being disconnected. If there is less mail to process, then the postal workers sorting by hand can get more ballots processed. That's the whole point here - from mid September to mid November only use the mail if you absolutely have to - a "have to" case would be mailing your ballot!

@Nunya the sorting machines for now are not being messed with! Only a few were removed, mostly in M9ntana, and some were already put back. So go buy some stamps!

@AnneWimsey According to an article by reuters: The following are state-by-state cuts highlighted in a lawsuit filed by the state of Washington, including in the election battlegrounds of Michigan and Wisconsin: The Postal Service had planned to remove 671 mail sorting machines nationwide, including 502 delivery barcode sorting machines capable of processing 35,000 pieces of mail per hour, by Sept. 30. As of Aug. 16 it had already decommissioned 95% of its target, according to a lawsuit filed jointly by the Urban League, Common Cause and the League of Women Voters. Overall DeJoy’s plans would have decommissioned 10% of the sorting machines in Postal Service’s inventory, the lawsuit said, citing Postal Service planning documents. Michigan said the loss of machinery in a Pontiac facility has reduced processing capacity by 394,000 pieces of mail per hour. Wisconsin projected that seven of 36 mail sorting machines at a Milwaukee distribution center will be removed, and said staff shortages mean one worker rather than two now operates each. Washington state said three of five processing facilities are no longer processing outgoing mail, and the Postal Service is in the process of removing eight mail sorting machines. Colorado said six mail sorting machines are being removed. Connecticut expects 18 mail sorting machines will be removed by the election. Illinois said the Postal Service is in the process of removing 28 mail sorting machines, including 15% of all delivery bar code sorters. Maryland said the Postal Service removed six mail processing machines in early August. Minnesota said at least 20 mail sorting machines have been or are being decommissioned. It said 10 letter-sorting machines can process 5 million pieces of mail a day. Nevada said at least four mail sorting machines have been removed. New Mexico said four mail sorting machines are being removed.


Yes - good idea. Then refund the PO … with the return of social responsibility funds (tax cuts) from the wealthy and corporations..

Varn Level 8 Aug 30, 2020

I think you are saying to repeal the tax cuts? If so, I would agree. 🙂

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