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All in favor of a national nut-kicking.
“ This morning, Sean and I had coffee and a long talk about where the lines are drawn — and where violence begins.

We were talking about events and people and things that happened in the past. We were talking about bullies, both physical and emotional. We were talking about appropriate responses.

While our conversation was mostly about the responsibilities of parents, some of it was about the responsibilities of adults in difficult situations. We are both agreed that some of the generosities we were willing to extend in the past are no longer possible. We cannot afford either the financial or the emotional costs.

It is not too big a leap to extend that to the national level. We cannot be generous to political bullies anymore.

Or as Sean said, referring to a situation in high school, "I got fed up. I wasn't going to give him my lunch money. I kicked him in the nuts."

It may be that we are overdue for a national nut-kicking of those who have looted our middle class and made it impossible for our children and grandchildren to succeed where the deck is so stacked they will be a lifetime dealing with debt.

I'll be blunt. If Turnip steals another election, it may be the end of American freedom. The man will not be happy until he is dictator for life. And that's what his cult of enablers seem to want. Even if it means shooting protesters in the street.

So yeah — we may be approaching the point where violence is inevitable.

I want to believe we are better than that — but we are about to be tested.”
~ David Gerrold

MissKathleen 9 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I suspect that no matter what transpires there will he rioting in the streets and partisan warfare...........unless something significant happens before election day.


I'm becoming more and more concerned that will be trumps modus operandi.


I hope very strongly that we don't descend into any kind of civil war. But the pathological narcissist in the White House seems to be pushing for it. I guess he believes that blood in the streets will give him the excuse he needs to declare martial law, suspend constitutional rights, declare the election void, and so forth.

I wish we had an agnostics enclave in the mountains somewhere that we could retreat to together

@BudFrank I agree with that. Perhaps a "convention" somewhere? Has that ever been done with this group?

@mischl a convention starting November 3 or 4?

@BudFrank Who and where?

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