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What would you date a gamer? Why or why not

Cedric1986 4 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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Absolutely. I game all the time.


Yes but very few women in my age group game. For me it replaces time a lot of people spend watching TV. Much rather spend time figuring out game mechanics or interacting then just zoned out in front of the TV where someone is trying to sell me something I don't need.


All I'm looking for is a girl who likes Ace Attorney and Pokémon. :\

ronak Level 5 Apr 9, 2018

I've never had my gaming hobby or a previous partner's gaming hobby be a problem. Any addiction could deteriorate a relationship, which seems to be a common association (which I disagree with) for gamers.

Marz Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

No. Sitting on a couch indoors, obsessively playing video games is sedentary and unhealthy. Staring at a screen shuts out people. It shuts off conversation and laughter, eye contact and relationships.

I want a man who also loves hiking and has a healthy lifestyle.

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