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LINK Can Someone Please Translate This Christian Argument in Support of Donald Trump? | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

It was hard not to just put this one in the "Silly , Random and Fun" category. It it were after the election it would probably have been put there.

Over the summer, Sid Roth, the host of a show called It’s Supernatural, praised Jesus TWICE for allegedly fixing his backed-up toilet.

Yesterday, he managed to outdo himself.

During an episode all about why his viewers should support Donald Trump, his entire panel decided to speak in tongues and say… I don’t know. Something, I guess. Who knows. (Does anyone speak Christianese?)

snytiger6 9 Sep 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I speak in the autistic dialect of english! Christianese is a fantasy! "only god knows" what their saying! LMAO!


Guess the Jeeeebus is finding himself with lots of time on his hands these days? Wonder if he replaced the plunger or used the "snake"?

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