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Conservative Agnostics

How many people here are conservative agnostics?

JonathanPaul 3 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I just dropped in searching for conservative agnostic sites. I consider myself a conservative agnostic, but I understand that we are less numerous than liberal agnostics. Don't worry, I won't be back.

Level 1 July 20, 2022

There aren't many. I am not one. I know of at least who got booted off the system for misbahaving. (I think although he had no religioys beliefs, he still bought into the dogmas that originated with religion, and wow was he an ass and very insulting!)


Well I don't like the Democrats or the Republicans. I have liberal views on somethings and conservative views on other things. I also have libertarian views too. So what does that make me. I will admit I voted for Trump because I wanted Washington to be turned upside down. I will probably be hated now because this is a Anti-Trump territory. But I don't care. So you can label me anything you want. I don't care about labels. I like the variety of topics for discussion.


Bleeding heart Liberal!

gearl Level 8 Nov 26, 2017

I'm new and I gotta say from the things I've read I'm afraid to raise my hand. I disagree with conservatives on a lot of issues but consider myself one. I strongly believe in less government in our everyday lives and our economy.


Liberal my brother... i keep it simple...


Good question.
Not me.

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