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A few years ago, I read "Losing faith in faith", by Dan Barker and could almost feel the pain of his recuperation. Lately I've seen many others of you have also had to deal with that trauma. First of all, I truly sympathize with what you may have had to go through! I wonder why I was fortunate to escape around the age of 9 (with minor scars) and wonder if there are others that left at an early age and why? I was born premature and my mother put me in a chicken incubator on the farm and it most likely was not blesses? LOL

Paganlyl 6 Oct 12

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Dan Barker met his wife Annie, on an episode of the original Oprah Winfrey morning show AMChicago, she was and still is very beautiful. Oprah had atheists on the site and had religious fanatic plants in the audience. They, and her, trolled them. This might make you dislike Oprah.

Dan’s married to A-L Gaylor? Good! ..doesn't mean I’ll stop staring.. ..but that’s wonderful ~

@Varn Watching this show gets me so mad. I would been insulting as hell. I.would have just torn these motherfuckers a new asshole. Oprah was, a fat tub of shit.

@barjoe Yes! I’d stumbled onto that ..program several months ago - watched it twice, with the same reaction.. It reminded me of every other ‘Atheist vs. panel of religious and audience of plants’ I’d watch at the time. Even if the ‘host’ had an inkling of curiosity about Atheism -- they’d make sure to so heavily stack the program against them that they’d not lose any sponsors..

Teasing viewers for days about having ‘The Great Madalyn Murray O’Hair’ lined up … only to find she was taking on three proselytizers, audience plants, and a ‘moderator’ incapable or unwilling to allow her to finish a sentence - let alone a thought..

Now, we can go straight to the source! With that, I’m both a renewed member of American Atheists and a fresh member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation … fuck the middlemen, or woman 😉


Dan Barker occasionally still appears as if he’s in pain ...though I find his FFRF Co-founder nearly too captivating to take my eyes off 🙂

I was ‘lucky,’ in that my mother had experienced religion ‘for us.’ She’s often described her god-soaked midwestern small town experience. Dad remained focused on all that Pacific NW nature had to offer, thus had no time to worship a myth. Between them, they successfully raised 4 Atheists, several, radical!

However, as with youngsters, we must all have tried to taste the forbidden fruit in some way.. Though I must have spit it out so fast - nothing remained! Again, thanks to that mother, having escaped the midwest to the progressive West Coast and one of it’s larger cities, we had little if any serious pressure from the community to ‘find religion.’

My siblings have passed Atheism on. ..not having had children by the litter, each of their children have acquired higher levels of education than their parents … and are poised to advance humanity in their direction ~

Varn Level 8 Oct 12, 2020

@varn; I often wondered if my mom had anything todo with my beliefs. Nothing I can remember.
Dad was a cathoholic but mellowed through the years and at his gravesite the priest announced: "we almost had him!" Don't know if he meant spiritually or monetarily.

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