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LINK Is Social Distancing Weakening Our Immune Systems?

The answer is no, but if you want to know WHY it's no, read the article.

altschmerz 9 Oct 15

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"The effects of social distancing on the immune system haven’t been deeply studied" more horse-shit, we know from many, many examples that ppl who socially isolate or are socially isolated run a very high risk of death upon reintroduction to society. Doctors are a special kind of retard, ok; well-meaning, the very worst kind, sold on their own religion.

and i can tell reading the boards here that pretty much everyone is sucked in now, and everyone has forgotten all about "flatten the curve" which is all you can ever hope to do with a virus; now all we hear is potential "lives lost" or "lives saved" which i guarantee you is complete bullshit, as hundreds...pardon me, THOUSANDS of (foreign) MDs, who are not scared of the AMA, have gone on record as stating.

you are in a plandemic, and the proof, with references, is out there ok


of course it is, if your immune system has never been exposed to a germ then it cannot develop immunity to it. But you may certainly rely on an allopath who will statistically not live as long as you will for your health advice too, if you like. Good points @ "immune boosting" though imo 🙂
but one could destroy the argument simply by extracting the right quotes from the article,
"The effects of social distancing on the immune system haven’t been deeply studied, so researchers can’t say positively how social isolation is affecting our body’s ability to respond to infection" etc, even though he immediately contradicts this statement with his "knowledge"
trust doctors at your peril, imo
or i mean smoke camels bc doctors do lol

@altschmerz "they did say" that, but then again, they are basically idiots who will not live as long as you will, and i at least suggest that one requires constant exposure to the latest viruses--which are not bacteria, that we might get cholera or something similar from--or else they are at risk.

The hygeine hypothesis does not only apply to kids; we do not "magically" start requiring hygeine as we age, and in fact were warned about ten years or so ago that all the "antibacterial" soap (all soap is antibacterial btw) use was dangerous, to say the least--remember? Great way to make superbugs though, which is what we are doing now; participating in our own demise.

Furthermore, "fully developed" immune systems (which do not exist, btw) may be greatly strengthened or weakened, depending upon ones--mostly dietary--habits, but this author seems to not understand that? Again tho, kudos for at least the approach to an immune-strengthening regimen, regardless of the fact that it destroys her other arguments.

Listen to an allopath ("symptom-treater" ) on matters of your health at your own risk; or understand why their malpractice insurance is larger than your annual salary


Good for you,you can not win them all but at least you got the message out to him


Yesterday in the dentist office, a fat older man with a huge belly was wearing his mask far too loose. Masks are required in Washington State. He mentioned he had a second heart attack three weeks ago.

"Your mask doesn't fit your face," I told him. "It's not effective."

"I like it loose, " he replied. "Masks are a matter of opinion. I grew up on a farm drinking well water with dead mice in it. I have a tremendous immune system, and have never been sick in my life." (Apart from two heart attacks.)

He called me a "germaphobe" as he left the waiting room. I let the ignorant blowhard have the last word.


I feel furious when I see selfish people wearing a mask under their nose or on their chin.

Today at a grocery store, a friendly young man stocking food said, "Hi!"

"Hi! Without covering your nose, your mask is not effective," I replied. "Okay," he replied and covered his nose.

Heading toward the doors, I passed three people with their noses uncovered, and a man with no mask. Masks are required in Washington State.

Tired from hiking yesterday, I didn't have the energy to confront the last three people. It takes energy, inner strength and confidence.


Awh, not available in my area. Sounds interesting, my gut reaction was probably, to your initial question 🙂

@altschmerz yes, great article, thank you very much. Also am totally with you about the under nose mask wearing 😉


Yes each person must improve their diet vitamins and habitsike frequent showers hand washing and avoid sick people especially children with the weakest immune systems smokers destroying their lungs sugar addicts destroying their blood insulin levels GET HEALTHY NOT DISTANT

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