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What's going to happen after? No one will ever change their polarized thoughts/behaviors
Other then a random asteroid I don't see much hope. Does anyone know?

MikeSmith 3 Oct 24

Enjoy being online again!

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0 could ‘anyone know?’ My guess: they’ll retreat to their churches, militias and compounds. Return to shooting up schools & public gatherings.. Feed funds to far-wrong hate organizations and Republican candidates.. Watch FOX non-stop, as it continues to target ‘Democrats’... and begin their suicides, again; many have stuck around only in order to watch good people suffer.. They’re a sick and dangerous lot.

Varn Level 8 Oct 25, 2020

It's a problem for the Democrats. Or, if we's a terrible problem which may just shatter the nation.


I'm not afraid of what happens if Trump loses. I'm afraid that he might win. If Trump loses it'll turn 2020 a good year.after all.

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