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253 blue 214 red !

Cutiebeauty 9 Nov 4

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Its too bad our Sitting President can't be a somewhat decent person for once and invite the incoming Election winner to the White house. But he only care about him


Trevor Noah says


To any US people reading. Its still not over, you can't come out from behind the sofa and watch TV again yet. LOL


Nice and close. Great!


Yes Yes !!


Better. But I still can't watch 😟


I don’t have any more nails to chew . I have reached elbow level , u know ? 🙌♥️

I share that condition.

As a desperate distraction in reference to an observation by another member of our community, I looked back into a time long gone and placed in words as a posted reply a sad segment of my life I had nearly forgotten.

Sometimes, without the ability to change outcomes, it is best to escape for a while and face reality tomorrow.

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