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Einstein gave us the answer to gravity: warped space-time and he told us where to look for it, the bending of light in a gravitational field. On May 19, 1919 astronomer Arthur Eddington took a photograph of a constellation that lined up behind the Sun during a solar eclipse, and it confirmed Einstein's prediction of light bending in a gravitational field. The background star images moved away from the Sun as if you were viewing the constellation through a huge positive lens. Einstein described the mechanics of this observation by imagining a series of elevators rising from the Sun’s surface; light enters the elevator at a higher level on the far side, and then it exits at a lower level on the side closest to us. As light traverses elevator after elevator, its path bends so that the star’s images appear to be at a greater angle away from the Sun.
According to Sir Issac Newton we are moving through space freely without friction, space is rising up from our Earth passing through us creating momentum toward the greater mass, then we are decelerating on the surface.

Mass slows time which alters the distance matter can travel in comparison to less mass areas. Elements can be identified by the light they radiate due to the unique number and position of electrons in their electron energy-shell levels where photons are absorbed and emitted, resulting in dark spectral lines distinguishing each element. Using these spectral lines as light-wave-length markers; light-waves red-shift for each element when coming from a massive star, this means that light from specific elements travels farther in comparable length when coming from the slower time-rhythm with fewer seconds.

This brings us to how gravity is generated: anything put under pressure radiates heat. Everything on the surface of a planet is in a faster time-rhythm moving toward the slower/longer fabric size in the greater concentration of matter at the core of the planet, putting the core under pressure which radiates the longer wave heat energy perpetuating the constant production of gravity. As Albert Einstein said, gravity is identical to a change in uniform motion. The velocity of motion on the surface is determined by the amount of matter present in the core, and the amount of pressure on the core is determined by the change in velocity of matter stopping on the surface. This is why all objects accelerate at the same rate in a gravitational field in a vacuum, regardless of weight,

gene706 4 Nov 9

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Might work

Word Level 8 Nov 9, 2020
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