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#Film4Climate 1st Prize Short Film

Author: Spencer Sharp & Prince Ea
Country: USA
Category: Short Film

An epic presentation of where humanity stands today and how we must all work together to make it to the fourth second.

Wonderful and inspiring.

I'm reading "The Overstory" by Richard Power. He won a Pulitzer Prize for this novel published in 2018. His 12th novel is a sweeping, impassioned work of activism and resistance that is also a stunning evocation of - and paen to- the natural world.


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Humans are in deep trouble on this earth


Loved the video, but sadly do not think we will be able to change


It is ,Thanks for sharing,real eye opener and the truth


We humans are a virus. When we are gone, earth will be a better place for more living things.

unfortuneatly at the present,very true

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