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LINK Biden’s Education Department Will Move Fast to Reverse Betsy DeVos’s Policies

President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has presented an education agenda that is starkly different from the Trump era, beginning with a far more cautious approach to school reopenings.

snytiger6 9 Nov 16

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That's some proof that Biden cares about people and not things. Of course some cry baby repubs will never give him credit for it.


I truly hope I'm wrong but doesn't Biden/Harris need senate cooperation? And with 70 million GOP votes in memory, just how plausible is senate willingness for change? The money that will pour into Georgia's senate runoff and vote manipulation will not be entertaining! An Atlanta lawyer is claiming "unconstitutional" actions by GA secretary of state, the suit intending to invalidate Nov.2020 absentee ballots.

Please take a Democrat to vote with you in the senate runoff election


That has to be a very high priority, but there is so much damage control to do across the board.

JimG Level 8 Nov 16, 2020
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