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“Delicate Balance”
Most of us have been conditioned to believe that what we now know is our fragile democracy, was designed to have “checks and balances” which would keep the power evenly distributed among the three branches of government, but that reflects a collective intelligence among the so called “Founding Fathers” that anyone who would aspire to the coveted seats of government would naturally possess the qualities of integrity, honesty, patriotism, morality and altruism. In fact, Senators were not even elected!
Two hundred years ago that was a reasonable supposition, but until now, nobody has ever aspired to the presidency who possesses none of those qualities. Not only that, but there has never been a political party so willing to collude with that person’s conspiratorial agenda, or so stubbornly determined to aid in the dismantling of our system of government. As I write the “president” is implementing a “Scorched Earth” policy to deter the entry of a new president, such as the Russians did during WW II to resist the German armies approaching Stalingrad.
One can only wonder what they expect to gain by sharing in this treasonous enterprise, but to make matters worse, there seem to be some seventy million “patriotic” citizens willing to join in the cause, even should the outcome entail a second civil war. This leads one to contemplate the motivation for this conspiracy and I personally can see no other motive than that of racial hatred. Would they be so willing to sell out their country solely for power, or riches, as their leader seems to be doing? Perhaps so, though I doubt that alone would be the reason for such a drastic resolve; but we have learned just how fragile our so-called checks and balances are, and how tenuous our freedoms, and what, if any, measures we have at our disposal to protect them.
Were I a believer in Astrology, I should like to study the alignment of the stars and the planets at this moment in our history, in an attempt to ascertain the forces that have conspired to bring about the events that have confronted our country, and the world, not the least of which is the factor of a worldwide pandemic! As Bette Davis so aptly said, “Hold onto your hats. It’s going to be a bumpy ride”!

fishline79 7 Nov 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I think Nostradamus may have been right but it hasn't happened in just one year. It seems to be the whole of the 21st Century, so far. "In 1999 the Eastern and Western powers will ally to fight a third world (China) and the world will end in a ball of fire." (or words to that effect, according to my ghost contact Prince). Mad King Donny won't stop in his relentless demand to retain power even after he's been removed from the WH. I predict he'll declare candidacy for 2024 as soon as vote Certification declares Biden has won the election (Mad King Donny will continue to maintain Democrats stole the election and never concede that lie). During his exile from power The Infant King will drive opposition, which will be violent, until our population is prevented by his soldiers from going out or our soldiers are engaging his (just like Syria became). Joe will only be able to focus on that war so nothing else will get done and that will aid Mad King Donny's ambitions. It's the Waco Cult all over again and the solution is the same. Wipe them all out or perish ourselves.


We are going to need a lot more laws, and elect people who adhere to them!

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