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LINK Downfall. Bunker Boy starts his run for the big house. - » The Australian Independent Media Network

This is a keen character assessment by a Grumpy Geezer.
"The Grand Fubar of dysfunction, the maestro of petty vindictiveness, of malice and resentful belligerence is testing coup options . . . ."

Question: How accurate is the Geezer's description?
Which peculiaries of character are the boldest and most alarming?

AnonySchmoose 8 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Saving post. The words written by Grumpy Geezer are the best I've ever read about Trump.

Grumpy Geezer posted Nate White's description of Trump: "Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” early in 2019. Did you read his brilliant description?

@AnonySchmoose Yes I've read this. Thanks for the link. I still think the link in this post in better because I think has more edge to it.

Geezer's op-ed is just as brilliant.


Just learned a new phrase: Armando Iannucci script. "Fittingly, he’s spending his last days shaping his own humiliation. It’s an Armando Iannucci script playing out in real life. If Trump was to be found drooling in a pool of his own piss ala Stalin or dragged Sadam-like from his bolt-hole it would be the most metaphorically noteworthy achievement of his time in office."

The real sick problem is this POS has millions of followers and enablers.

Wondering how the rest of us, the rational beings, can influence a sea change.

@AnonySchmoose One drop at a time. We may not change the sea but we can change ourselves.


A way with words.

skado Level 9 Nov 26, 2020

Grumpy Geezer:
"a loathsome coagulation of every human failing . . ."
British writer, Nat White:
"His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws . . ."

For anybody else it would seem hyperbolic, but in this case... just an accurate appraisal.


That's the best description of Trump I've read. It was strongly visceral, making me feel queasy, as if I were standing next to him. :-0

Uh Oh ! I believe that. Use some milk of magnesia?


Wish I had written it, I would be so proud!

Me too!


He Crushed it..🤣🤣.."blobulated sphincter pout"..

So vividly apropos.


It is somewhat accurate but it is not completely objective. I enjoyed it as I do any criticism of Trump. I'm not objective when it comes to him either

This mental image captured his commonness: "History should not record him as some sort of tragic King Lear but as an effluvium, a discharge from the bowels of a diseased system; a funk that has now been sharted."

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