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LINK Life, Philosophy, and Everything In-Between: What Is A Worldview?

This is a blog post about what a worldview is and what it means to have a healthy and stable one.

AHWalter1989 5 Dec 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, is it more than ten people me wonders.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this comment?

@AHWalter1989 Does it have to be more than 10 people for it to be considered to be a world view? Just kididing.


My worldview is treat others how I want to be treated.


The perfect world view is a SUSTAINABLE one. I personally feel that everyone affects everyone else, so we can’t really “live and let live”. We have an ultimate responsibility to MAINTAIN a healthy environment. We can’t as a group (whether a small tribal and globally) function without a PHILOSOPHY. And philosophy and religion in practice are the same. Globally responsible people have a right to defend our earth from irresponsible (Abrahamic) religions

I like that word sustainable, that is what I was looking for. Thank you for commenting!


I think I agree with most of that.
I don’t think religion and science are categorically mutually exclusive. And I think everybody has a worldview, regardless of how much of it is conscious, and probably nobody’s is fully conscious. But if you didn’t have some kind of map of reality in your head you couldn’t function in the world.

skado Level 9 Dec 11, 2020

I think that depends on the religion, as long as the religion doesn't make claims that are directly contrary to science, such as Fundamental Evangelicalism.


The problem with worldviews, is they’re never big enough.

Mvtt Level 7 Dec 11, 2020

And only astronauts ever really have one....

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