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I think that could set a dangerous precedent. The republicans would use this at some stage in the future no doubt and seize power by excluding Democrats. It would make the Democrat mo better than the Republicans and serve no benefit. If the Democrat want to strengthen democracy in the US then doing something like that would serve to help tear it down. Be careful what you wish for.

And, if they do nothing it sends the message that attempted coups/sedition are okay. Some price must be paid by these traitors to democracy.

They would try anyway stop the treason

@Joanne If you do that to them you are no better than they are. Can you not see that

@dermot235 How would enforcing the Constitution make the Dems as bad as them? One is standing up for democracy and the rule of law--the other is trying to subvert democracy and install a dictator.

I didn't say that not seating them is the only option. I meant that some price needs to be paid by them. They must know that this IS NOT acceptable and must never be repeated.

@Joanne That up to the Electorate. If they keep voting for them there is not a lot you can do.

@dermot235 : And, the electorate needs to know that those who they elected were wrong and it was seditious behavior.

@Joanne You think they don't know what's going on. They were elected, as deplorable as the Republicans are, they were elected. What they are thinking about doing and all the court cases etc is one thing. If they go any further than this then you may have a case.

@dermot235 : I think that there will be some who never expected it to come to this and will be appalled. Only time will tell how many Republicans will call sedition a step too far. In the mean time--it needs to be called what it is without sugar coating it.


Even if she doesn't they won't gain much respect from the other members. I did read that none of the republican senators signed on to the brief. It will be interesting to see how many get re-elcted at the next mid-term vote.


For the second time in the 250 years of this experiment in Democracy we have a group of primarily rich white males who view themselves as they only ones capable of running the show.
After the Civil War none of the men who lead the Confederate States to secede and war were ever held accountable. That might have worked out but Lincoln was assassinated and Johnson took over. He basically told Congress I got this no need to return (no jumpin' on a jet, train or driving your car back to DC like today). He then proceeded to undo reconstruction and placed back in power the very men who engineered the forming of the states that seceded and that led to the Civil War.
This time around these men/women need to be held accountable - IMHO.


The Republicons would certainly make the same move if the situation was reversed — but Democrats aren't stupid enough endorse such an outrageous lawsuit.


Pascrell cites Section 3 of the 14th amendment – which states that anyone who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” cannot serve in federal office – claiming the lawsuit seeks to “obliterate public confidence in our democratic system” and that those who signed it committed “unbecoming acts that reflect poorly on our chamber.” 👍


At the very least, they have revealed their complete ignorance of how our governance is supposed to work...mandatory re-education?

Some are saying the knew the SC would reject it, but they were showing Party Unity. I call it BS! They chose their Party over the Constitution. If they are either this ignorant, or are this anti democracy, they are unfit to serve. I don't know what the answer is, but they don't deserve to be seated. And, if they are, there must be some price to pay.

They don't need to be re-educated. The Republicans know Exactly what they are doing and they know it's a crock. There are all just scared shitless of the Orange Monster

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