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I love looking to buy old churches and turning them into artists and crafters maker's space. That's the two year plan right now. I want an artist and writer sanctuary to encourage freedom of thought and expression. Very excited.

LifeIsEnough 4 Dec 15

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I'm looking from Indiana, Ohio, PA, Kentucky, basically around Ohio in a general radius from Daytona

@lifeisenough ive seen it done twice.. Once in parkersburg wv and the other in homestead florida... Homestead shut down.. Not aware what happened in wv... Rural would be the best location.. Water the next most important concern... Everything else is workable

@Redneckliberal I actually have 2 victorian homes on my list in Parkersburg, lol.

@lifeisenough juliana st?..... Sadly the town has become a meth den

@Redneckliberal That is extremely sad. It's a beautiful town.

@lifeisenough ann st another?

@lifeisenough was.... There just before covid.. Its dirty and run down ....

@Redneckliberal yes. I also have a couple of former churches in Ohio, other than the victorian houses. There's a "castle"in Sidney that I also love.


That's a really cool idea. 🙂


communion is really a lot better at a place like that. great effort.


Looks like a good idea but how you would fund the idea of meeting expenses like property taxes, utilities and other?

Make it legally a church.

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