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This tells us how much they care about Americans.

Charliesey 7 Dec 22

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This is slightly - no, horribly - misleading. $600 is a drop in the bucket FOR AN INDIVIDUAL.

And if you have a gripe, complain to the disgusting, sub-human, wretched and putrid REPUBLICONS.

So what's your agenda.


Um.... approximately 145,000,000 taxpayers in the USA (we'll use that figure for ready money, so to speak; it doesn't subtract the number who will not get the full $600 stimulus due to having a higher income bracket, but nor does it add the $600 per child that many families will receive) x $600 per = very roughly 87,000,000,000 in stimulus money alone. That's $87 billion. And I haven't mentioned small business relief either, which is also a hefty part of the bill.

While the numbers for foreign aid may seem excessive to you, in a budget of $4.79 trillion (pre-pandemic), 1.3 bn for Egypt or 500 bn for Israel, for instance, are drops in the bucket, especially considering that this money is supporting friendly nations in some of the most volatile areas in the world- the areas most likely to sprout another world war or a nuclear incident or another 9/11.

I also have no problem with public money supporting public institutions. The Smithsonian, to name one, isn't an MJR theater, it's a national fucking treasure. It's worth the billion. Get over your populist outrage and see more of the world than your own wallet.


You missed the 100% tax deduction for business luncheons. No lawsuits for companies who order their employees back to work even tho the company is not providing a safe work environment, etc. There was also more funding for the military industrial complex.
Priorities really need some work.


Yes, I heard about the addition in Smithsonian and thought it very odd to be building new collections of museums at this time! How grossly inappropriate to worry about building new collections based on American women and American Latinos' accomplishment when we have the real thing, the real HUMAN BEINGS, suffering, losing jobs, losing businesses and falling deeper into poverty and misery. How many women and Latinis are steuggling to provide for essential needs at thus time? How utterly patronizing of government! Fund PEOPLE not GOVERNMENT! Leaders are coming across as COMPLETELY DISASSOCIATED from working Americans reality. Which party initiated this out of touch idea?

"The pandemic-induced poverty surge will also widen the gender poverty gap – meaning, more women will be pushed into extreme poverty than men."

"Nationally, the NPR poll finds that 63% of Latinos report they have lost household income either through reduced hours or wages, furloughs or job loss since the start of the pandemic." NPR


While I'm also unhappy about $600/$300, Democrats would have doubled those, I must point out for the foreign aid (and domestic funding) that the bill is tucked in to a greater funding bill that encompasses u$A spending.

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