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Christmas tree in the city centre. Canberra, Australia, the capital.

Jolanta 9 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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bobwjr Level 10 Dec 29, 2020

Canberra - best city! A capital city with clean air, clean water and solar farms.

Yey, I am with you there.


From what I can see it looks more like a tepee or “wigwam”....although I’m looking at it sideways so it’s hard to see it properly!


Are you posting these from a PC or your phone. You need to rotate your pics. They're all sideways.

I do rotate them to the right way but when I post they sometimes seem to come up the wrong way. No matter that I have rotated them.

@Jolanta PC? Crop them square when you edit and rotate them. Make sure to save that, then post them.


Obviously this is a fake photo. We all know that Australia is UPSIDE DOWN and NOT tilted 90 degrees. Who are you trying to fool?

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