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I wonder who they are talking about?

Jolanta 9 Dec 28

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He kinda reminds me of a fat, dumb Napolean .His machinations caused him to be exiled and of course he died in obscurity., unlike his role-model JC (not that one) that's Pence, Julius Ceasar and not that Bronk salad. I'm hoping Elon Musky helps us out and designs a spacecraft and sends trump and his family and entourage to the Oorrt cloud or at least to the asteroid belt. He could be the king of Ceres. Of course the Mormons would be pissed because they already gave it to Romney and changed the name to Kolob. This could be a big boom for the aerospace industry, 2021 looks like a helluva year.


I assume that's a picture of Trump as the top. Unless you're talking about PM Morrison. He's a good guy compared to Donald John Trump.

"He is arguably the most dangerous character in America; jealous, petty and greedy; an unforgiving narcissist; vindictive ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic racist; a serial liar, sexual predator and proud of it; an islamaphobic, sociopath, megalomaniac, demagogue; a capricious bully and self serving nepotistic con artist without a shred of conscience."

It's an understatement

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