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LINK An Atheist’s Perspective of Religion - YouTube

Youtube video by Rationality Rules on an atheist's perspective of religion

Hages 7 Jan 1

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I have a perspective on religion........Stupid, phony, manipulative and ridiculous.

But, you must have an opinion on this...


"Religion was invented when the first conman met the first fool" That says it all. Neanderthals, the first mammals smart enough to contemplate their own mortality. They invented fairy tales and idols to explain it. Humans have not evolved very much intellectually since then. They have only made advances in technology. Religion is just as much a fallacy as it was half million years ago.

Ya gotta admit, the old religions were way more creative....

@Canndue At least ancient man was creative in that by inventing "religion" instead of following a faith that was spoon fed to them.


This guy's view seems to be evolving a bit.

skado Level 9 Jan 1, 2021
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