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Does anyone think about or study lying and/or deception in an evolutionary context?

Does anyone think about or study lying and/or deception in an evolutionary context? I sometimes ponder such things and would be interested in any thoughts.

CapriKious 7 Nov 28

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Interesting. I suppose in evolutionary concept; lying would represent something we do for Survival? As defined that is Behaviour. You gave me a lot to think about. Thank you.

Yes, It is an interesting lens for looking at deception in general and lying in particular. As yet I have not been successful at finding any really good material in this line of thought.

@CapriKious It certainly is deeper way to understand it. In my opinion.


I have wondered this throughout my entire life. I think people lie to have control, much like religion, they are selling you a dream, that's why they ask for money. Companies do it with their products also by offering something that almost never does what it says.

These are examples in an ordinary signification. Have you thought about deception in an evolutionary context and independent of species?

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