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LINK US Congress in turmoil as violent Trump supporters breach building

Uh-huh. We now have armed and dangerous Trumpanzees running riot in Congress. Next: insurrection?

anglophone 9 Jan 6

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A woman Trump supporter got shot in the face. She was with a group inside the building trying to break down an office door. I'm not saying she deserved it, but whoever shot through that door was completely justified.

Thanks for sharing that. I wonder how many other people will also become victims of their own stupidity and anger in these hours of mob rule.

@anglophone she's in critical, she's a moron but I wish the bullet had hit someone else

@barjoe I have just heard that she has died, sadly.

@anglophone A little bit of our republic died with her.

@barjoe I see the death count has gone up to four. 😟

@anglophone If I had my way it would've been hundreds..

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