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LINK Amazon Is Suspending Parler From AWS

There was a lot of conjecture around Trump moving his message to Parler, but the apps have been taken down from the app store and Google , and now their hosting on Amazon's cloud has also been suspended.

OldMetalHead 9 Jan 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Good. There are limits to free speech.
If a "social network" openly called for my murder, I would protest it.
That's what Parler and others like it do on a grand scale, calling for murdering liberals, gays, gun control advocates, environmentalists, and anything else they deem un-American, godless, socialist/communist, progressive, etc.
These people are unbelievably, unspeakably 'evil' and should be silenced as much as possible, because they are mainstreaming the vicious, radical fringe.

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