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demand an exception to the law, in order to practice BIGOTRY as a religious freedom!

"less than a week into his administration, many conservative Christians already believe the new president is disregarding their concerns...(and his)aims to protect gay and transgender Americans by expanding the scope of federal civil rights protections...

If Biden truly cared about unity, he wouldn’t demand acceptance of controversial — and potentially harmful — beliefs, said Ryan Anderson, who will soon become president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, in a column on the executive order."


LenHazell53 9 Jan 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Deseret news is owned by the Mormon church, a group that until 1978 denied full membership to black men, it still denies full membership to women, not the best source for indignation about discrimination.

I know, I am ex-mo


I am so relieved to have a sane person in the white house it's going to take a lot more than this to upset me.
I can't begin to imagine what Biden walked into. What we know about is bad so it's got to be far worse.


Fuck them and their Bronze age fairytales..I'm done with even talking about them..

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