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Live By the Sharpie, Die By the Ballpoint- Much Of Trump’s Legacy Undone In Days.

Love it!

From border wall funds to the Muslim ban, the accomplishments Trump bragged about were done by executive action and have just as readily been undone.

From the border wall with Mexico to the ban on transgender people in the military to travel prohibitions on majority-Muslim countries to the withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, many of former President Donald Trump’s proudest accomplishments have been undone in just the first days of successor Joe Biden’s administration.

Trump’s failure to codify his preferred policies through legislation, relying instead on a black Sharpie marker to scrawl his signature onto executive actions and then show them off for the cameras, left them vulnerable to Biden’s signature on countermanding orders. And so far, the new president has signed dozens of them ― albeit with a ballpoint pen and less flourish, but every bit as effective ― wiping out much of Trump’s “legacy” in a matter of days.

“Elections have consequences,” said a former Trump adviser on condition of anonymity.

Biden took office at noon last Wednesday and did not arrive at the White House until nearly 4 p.m. Yet within two hours, he had signed 17 executive actions, including orders reentering the United States into the Paris agreement to combat climate change, ending the “national emergency” that Trump had declared to let him raid money for his border wall from the military construction budget, suspending Trump’s ban on travel from a group of majority-Muslim nations, revoking Trump’s order blocking the counting of undocumented immigrants in the 2020 census, and reinstating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that halts deportation of many immigrants who came into the country illegally as young children.

In the following days, Biden restored collective bargaining power for federal employees and ordered the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to find ways to keep workers across a range of industries safe from COVID-19.

And on Monday, the new president rescinded the ban that Trump had imposed on transgender people serving in the military.

“It’s simple: America is safer when everyone qualified to serve can do so openly and with pride,” Biden said in an Oval Office ceremony.

The rapid-fire reversals highlight Trump’s reliance on implementing change on his own rather than building support for his ideas in Congress in order to pass laws.


LiterateHiker 9 Jan 25

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Well said! Even if you didn’t write these, you have a good eye for powerful statements


Thank you!


Silly me, cuz I see his legacy as the only treasonous Putin's bitch potus who brought shame to the WH, ridicule from our allies and promoted white supremacy and racism in everythimg he ever did, a lazy imbecile who was there to profit from the office by fomenting nepotism while he played golf and when caught doing so much shit and nurturing corruption, tried to destroy our democracy to avoid going to jail, twice impeached pustule who was saved once by the cocksuckers in the republitard party because these bitches were hoping to be grabbed by the pussy, bitches like pence, rubio, cruz, scott, hawley, and many other spineless eunuchs whom I have already forgotten but not forgiven. Is that the legacy you were referring to???


Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

I love "treasonous Putin's bitch potus," "lazy imbecile, "republitard" and "spineless eunuchs."


And that's a good thing, but don't forget you still have those in the outer moronosphere that are going to cause problems no matter what. 😣


Losing has consequences too, and Trump has done that in so many ways.


Relief at last,

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 26, 2021

If only he'd had four more years. Just think what he'd have accomplished.🤔


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