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LINK Conservative Writer: Joe Biden is Our “First Anti-Catholic ‘Catholic’ President” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Dr. Robert Royal, the president of the Faith & Reason Institute in Washington, D.C., is joining the chorus of conservative Catholics deeply troubled by having a popular likable Catholic in the White House because Joe Biden (like so many other practicing Catholics) doesn’t agree with all the Church’s hardline views on social issues.

He’s not alone. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a similar pronouncement just last week. But even they didn’t do what Royal did, calling Biden an “anti-Catholic ‘Catholic.'”

snytiger6 9 Jan 26

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Biden is more a christain than what left the White House earlier this month and they are stilling bitching about it.


I was raised Catholic (altar boy for 7 years) and a very dogmatic, rigid school of thought has infiltrated the seminars. My sister, who is church going is almost amused at how the new young priest was so out of touch with the parish goers. (She is in the south by the way). Think of ISIS to the Muslims.




At every opportunity, I remind conservative Catholics that about 90% of Catholic women use the birth control the Church forbids.


Well he's only our second Catholic president anyway. I assume this guy and his ilk didn't shed any tears when our first Catholic president was gunned down. That's very white of them.

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