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LINK Marjorie Taylor Greene Antagonizes Democratic Colleague With Anti-Transgender Sign | HuffPost

The congresswoman’s neighbor at the U.S. Capitol is Rep. Marie Newman, whose daughter is transgender.

snytiger6 9 Feb 25

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I suspect that will be gone by morning, if not already. If Congress permitted people to post their hateful political shit in the hallways, the walls would be totally plastered with it. They reserve that stuff for the chambers so all can see and hear it. The sign was a 5-minute stunt for the cameras, paid-for with our tax money. That hateful POS will be gone before you know it. Nobody wants to work where they're hated and disrespected by all... except maybe Ted Cruz.


She a miserable piece of shit.

One of those who finds great delight in making others miserable...

@snytiger6 Did you hear Rand Paul grilling Dr Rachel Levine with his transphobic hate? Dr Rene Boucher is a hero of mine for beating him within an inch of his life.

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