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Here is the bible on love and relationships by a citizen of the highly populated city of Shanghai:

Can you find any bones to pick at?

Ashley Erick
November 27
What are some psychological facts about love?

1.The longer a couple is together, the less likely they are to say I love you.

2.No argument in a relationship represents a serious lack of interest, couples who fight a lot really love each other.

3.People who give the best relationship advice are usually single

4.Shaking hands with your loved one can reduce physical pain, anxiety, stress and fear.

5.People who look alike are more likely to married than those who look very different.

6.If you want to make a good impression on a girl, you only need 4 minutes to achieve that.

7.A person can fall in love more than once, with different personalities and strengths.

8.If you want to know if someone loves you, please look in her eyes. When falling In love, her pupils will expand by up to 45%.

9.Humans can not be "just friends" with opposite sex members.

10.Compared with women, men experience more emotional pain following a breakup

11.When two lovers stare into each other's eyes, their heart rates synchronize

12.You're most likely to fall in love with someone if you first meet him in a dangerous situation.

13.Unexpected or uncertain love last longer.

14.Talkative girls and silent boys are ideal partners for marriage.

Link to the source post:

EarnestEccentric 7 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Some are true some are false because it depends on the individuals involved.

It also depends on how you define some of the actions. For example couples that never fight are examples of a serious lack of interest. Fighting has many different manifestations. My husband and I often had discussions that some people thought were fights but many people were wise enough to realize we were play fighting and they also realized we had a wonderful marriage. The two of us thought we never fought.


The only two that look even remotely true are #3 and #6, and those maybe only a fraction of the time.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 5, 2021

A bunch of cliches.......and BS


Some of that is true and some is false. She thinks she has it all figured out. She should've went with a shorter list


I would say most of those statements are bunk. I might agree with 7. Rest of them are kind of crazy. How about #4, shaking hands? How about just holding hands to reduce stress. Maybe that's what was meant but got lost in the translation. Those are my feelings.

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