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Do you support male circumcision?

Has your opinion changed since discarding religion?

Kreig 7 Nov 29

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No, unless the procedure is to correct medical issues. Just because some dude heard voices that told him to chop it, does not mean its a good idea.


That is a complicated question. Having it later can be traumatic and most probably would not do it. I had it as a child and can't think of life without this (but I am biased). Supposedly there are health benefits which probably were more necessary i the past than today.
One thing I absolutely do NOT support and it even makes me angry is female 'circumcision'!!


I don't remember being asked when it happened to me. I don't know if I would elect to have it done to myself...I never had children, but I think I would have left it up to my son when he was old enough to make the decision for himself.


For medical reasons it should be done in a hygienic environment. My son needed it when he was 3. It was done in a hospital. When it is done without medical reasons especially to young kids I considder it child abuse and mutilation. Freedom of religion should not mean freedom to abuse my child.


My circumcision at two days old must have been pretty traumatic because I couldn't walk for almost a year afterwards.

Okay, that was funny!


barbaric ancient ritual perpetuated by cut men , and women who don't like the taste of smegma [ cheese].. probably linked to ptsd at infancy. It is the most sensitive part of the penis that is being removed. You wouldn't do that to a girl would you now. If you really want your kid to be a porn star, go for it


When I was ill informed and ignorant..but now..I am totally against is barbaric and serves no purpose...


Only in others. I have a list of people that should be circumcised. One is a president and I wouldn't stop at the foreskin with that particular knobend 🙂

I am. And thanks!


Oh yes, there was a guy in Vietnam that had it done. I was 18 and kind of held questions.


Geeze... I think doctors say a lot of the sensation skin is removed during that process. Of course I learned to live with what i got and it was fine. Heck , I could never find the answer of why they did it in the first place. If it was suppose to be a badge of honor, then they sure screwed that up. A tatoo would of been better. No i don't support it.

Read about phimosis and then you will know "why circumcision. ' LOL

@krieg, why do you keep saying eight day old boys? It’s in the first 48 hours.


only if you need it


I don't, but everyone is different. I don't see it as being needed, though, medically. Just another way to keep clean.

I needed it for medical reasons as I couldn't get the skin back but it is cleaner and I think looks better.


No! It is genital mutilation. It has always seemed like a cruel way to treat a child. I refused to have it done to my son. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Nov 29, 2017

When I had my oldest, it was customary for the boy to be circumcised. I signed the release, and right before I was discharged I was handed a screaming infant. He cried for over 10hrs. He was not giving pain medication because the nurses and doctor told me that infants do not feel pain.

My second and third son I did not get circumcised. I will not be a party to giving pain to an infant that can not understand why they hurt.


Do you support tonsillectomies and appendectomies for infants without issue as a means of preventing future issues? Do you support tattoos for infants at the parent's discretion? In reality, the foreskin serves a purpose(slides to manage friction reducing the need and reliance of lubrication) and I imagine cleaning a penis with a foreskin is no more complicated than cleaning many other body parts, especially in modern western civilizations. The decision is truly cosmetic or preventative of something that should be incredibly rare. I oppose it.

Wow! Great answer. You always have one. It's logical.

@Kreig The thing being prevented is averted by standard hygiene. I can't even think of something that parallels it though. I guess borrowing from your wisdom tooth suggestion, we could advocate for removing all teeth and supplying dentures so that they can be easily cleaned and replaced... It just seems ludicrous to me. Wash your nooks and crannies and brush your teeth.


No. There is very little advantage to it, and it greatly decreases sexual sensitivity. To do that to a child is monstrous.

My view differs when it comes to an adult choosing to have it done to themselves. They are better informed and would be giving consent to the procedure.

I think it would be far more productive and healthier however, to teach male children how to properly clean under their foreskins.


I most certainly do not. At least, I don't support the parents making the decision. I'm extremely glad that my foreskin remains intact.

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