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LINK Chris Hedges On The Continuing Rise Of Oligarchy And Christian Fascism - YouTube

Some Christians are in the side of justice. Not very many.

barjoe 9 Mar 18

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We need to tax the great wealth of the Catholic Church as well as all the other churches.


Neloliberalism has been normalized. It is not normal and not ok. Eventually the serf class rises up in revolt.

MizJ Level 8 Mar 18, 2021

I hope so but I doubt it.

@barjoe Past generations didn't have Faux News and social media as influences.

@MizJ but that only speaks to the speed and depth of messaging. Not the quality or integrity. Trump is a prime example of that.
The problem is it’s becoming harder and harder to find factual, unbiased sources of info. Plus, the average attention span of Americans equates to 10-word sound bites

@Canndue Indeed, the majority of our news only comes from a few sources now unlike years ago. Those sources are all major corporations with an agenda.


The Catholic Church is the largest and wealthiest Christian organization in the world and has an estimated wealth of more than $30 billion as of 2021. The Catholic Church likes to put out an image of being liberal and concerned when it comes to the worlds poor. It is estimated that the Catholic Church has an operating budget of $170 billion in US alone. The $30 billion net worth is based on the Vatican state alone. In Ireland the Church owns 8 billion Euro in Property alone. So globally that has to be 100's of Billions of Dollars in Property owned by the church. Being lectured by Christians about Inequality of wealth is a little to much to take when they never criticize what their Churches have done. And the Catholic Church has been more effective at taking money from the poor to enrich itself than any corporation has ever come close to.


prolly a done deal already i guess, yeh


Nothing but respect for Chris but I prefer Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn's explanations. Robert Reich and Richard Wolff have better pragmatic approach IMHO...

A pity more aren't paying attention, regardless of whom the message is coming from.

I still have a lot of respect for him, being a member of the clergy. A group I normally have no respect for.

@barjoe I've seen the Catholic Clergy spout their liberation theology here in Ireland over the last 30 years or more. And they did this while they fucked literally and figuratively a whole nation for 150 years. I have no respect for these hypocrites. And they still have not apologised properly for the rape of young boys and the institutional enslavement and abuse of women. Magdalene Laundries were still open in Ireland in the 1990's

@dermot235 Chris Hedges is Episcopal and I do have respect for him. I agree with everything you say about the Roman Catholic Church. That goes for all churches. There are good people who are Catholics as well, they were indoctrinated from birth. I'm pretty cool with everybody as long as they don't fuck with me and my civil rights.


People are nuts.

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