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LINK Cornel West: “Bernie Was Crushed by Neoliberalism”

"You see the rot at the core of the system’s embracing of the neofascist wing of the ruling class, which is Donald Trump and company. And the neoliberal wing of the ruling class, which is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The reason some of us argue against Trump, in the form of a vote for a milquetoast, mediocre, centrist Biden — who’s head of a rotten Democratic establishment — is because we’re trying to stop the American march toward fascism. So that was part of the anti-fascist coalition.

Fascism, as you know, calls into question the very possibility of any kind of radical Democratic politics, across the board. But there is still a difference between a neofascist catastrophe and a neoliberal disaster. Now, it looks as if we’ll be wrestling with a neoliberal disaster. That’s another way of saying that the rot is there, it’s just that with Biden, the rot proceeds much more slowly."

WilliamCharles 8 Mar 21

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Where will your “go it alone” progressivism find allies?

Maybe from others not happy with the party being continually dragged to the right by corporate Dems.

They regularly argue moderate conservatives will go for GOP-Lite, but they always throw in with GOP Classic, or GQP Extreme.

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