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It's all about how lucky you get

I used to work with a guy whose father was a preacher. This guy had no personality and was always quiet. About 10 years ago, his dad retired and handed off his church and its congregation to his son. Today this guy makes his living in public speaking as a religious leader and Xian minister and also hosts a Xian podcast. He now has a wife and a family and a career that's going well.

This guy, who we'll call Norman (because that's his name) has it all and he did nothing to get it. It was all handed to him kinda like Harry Potter. Here's the thing, I'm kinda envious of how easy it all was for him. Even tho he makes his living shilling bullshit for God to a bunch of ignorant rubes, by all metrics he's a big success.

I don't admire what he does for a living but I do admire how his whole life fell into place with little effort on his part. Luck always wins out.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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(because that's his name) lol

might be interesting to check in on the guy in ten-twenty years


If it makes you feel any better, it may not have been entirely easy for him to shut his mouth, eyes to the ground, follow directions instead of making his own decisions, and kowtowing to this father every single day until middle-age. Granted, he got a big pay-off with the church being established, but I'd have a hard time doing that even if my father had a dynasty for me to earn.

But, yeah, luck is always involved.


With any ingrained system, it is easy for those that embrace and play the game, and it is difficult to change. Believers don't want change.

Especially not when they are making a nice living out selling all the shit they can produce, pass around the prunes and chilli beans.


Envy steals YOUR time!


Not envy, more a subtle blend of exasperation, flabbergastation and incredulity. 😉

@LenHazell53 Maybe but envy is so much simpler to say.

@Sgt_Spanky Touché


And as proof of his gods goodwill towards him, he can always offer his great success. If anybody doubts him.


Thus here endeth the parable of the lucky git.

It would've been great if he had been a mormon so this could've been called the Parable of Norman the Lucky Mormon. Sadly, he's not a mormon. 😟

@Sgt_Spanky That would have been priceless


F@ck Norman and everybody like him.

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