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There has been a big push to install solar panels in Australia, "Lower your energy bill" they said. Now they want to pull this shit, you pay for supplying them energy.
Highly recommend all affected to get yourself a battery system and tell the grid where to go.
Reminds me years ago how all were encouraged to convert their cars to LPG.......then they upped the tax on LPG. Talk in Victoria of charging electric vehicles per Km.
The thing with renewable energy, the whole point in fact, is we don't need large power generating stations ie forget power grids and have self sufficient households or blocks of houses.
There's a lot of money in monopolising power supply and I feel they are reluctant to relinquish that power, but want the feel good renewable vibes..

powder 8 Mar 24

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I remember having oil heat and hot water. I would fill up my tank and that's what I paid. The house I live in now is natural gas. I get a bill whether I use it or not. Some people in US have propane, it's less convenient but you only pay for what you use. In US some people with solar actually sell residual back to the grid. They get a check back at the end of the month. I don't know how that works.

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