George E. Langdon IV, the New York county legislator from Albany who claimed that if we just put all gay people on an island together, they’d die out within decades, has resigned.
Langdon made the comments at a seminar called “Return to Liberty under the Constitution” at the faith-based Camp Pinnacle last week:
Ship him off to that island and New York will be better off. Not to mention the rest of the country.
That would ruin that fabulous gay island, send him to Rikers Island instead.
"The [Rikers] island is home to one of the world's largest correctional institutions and mental institutions, and has been described as New York's most famous jail." - Wikipedia
Republicans are a disgrace to humanity.
In fairness they weren't always. If you go back to the Eisenhower era, they once were concerned for humanity. Howeever, today's republicans have very little humanity left in them.