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I'm sick of Christians telling me i'm gonna be thrown into the lake of fire "forever and ever"....... I would like to add Billy Grahmn was a con artist....pure bullshit!!!

FlyingEagle1952 6 Apr 17

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Nowhere in the Bible does it actually say that. It's a mistranslation of the Greek word 'aeon,' which means an 'indeterminate amount of time,' which is of course also bullshit. But not eternity.

Once I left the gym and on the ground there was a pamphlet One of them pamphlets they hand out every Sunday at church. I picked it up thinking there might a positive message just for me. I started reading it and in the pamphlet was this statement And I quote: "In the words of the words of the Lord, no matter how good you are, YOU DESERVE TO BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE......FOREVER AND EVER!!!" ( I like how they added "and ever" )......obviously Catholic!! Can you believe they are making their kids read this stuff?

@FlyingEagle1952 I doubt it was Catholic. 'We' aren't really into the hell thing, though of course it's always lurking in the shadows.

@FlyingEagle1952 not Catholic....seventh-day or other evangecaps,evangelicals, steeped in "hellfire". Up until recently, Catholics were not even allowed to read the babble,only hear what their priest "revealed"


Religions are based on 5 things: bad history, absurd mythology, irrational theology, unproven supernatural claims, and emotional blackmail and fear. All horrid, the last the most insidious, like threats of damnation. Tell them you know their game, that you're their Huckleberry, and they frazzle, like a bad illusionist whose tricks you call out.

You hit it on the nail.....

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