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This morning I received this email of supposed Chinese Government advice to its citizens regarding Sinovac C19 vaccination:

---------- Forwarded message ---------

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021, 8:49 am
Subject: FW: FW: At least China's more helpful and frank with their citizens ...
Hmmm!? Thought you might be interested


Reposting China's guidelines for Sinovac vaccination.

We should worry why our own government is not issuing these to the general public.

Original in Chinese (translated to English)


Reminding all Netizens to consider the guidelines set by Beijing’s Vaccine Prevention Center before taking any vaccine, whether for your own sake or for your family.

A gentle reminder from Hong Kong Specialist: Those who suffer stroke is not advisable to take the vaccine.

北京市防疫中心提示接種科興疫苗的要求 :

Beijing City Vaccine Prevention Center list down the requirements for vaccination:

🔸1. 惡性腫瘤病者不予接種。

Those with malignant tumor are not fit to be inoculated or vaccinated.

🔸2. 有基礎疾病時如高血壓,糖尿病等藥物控制不好的,不予接種。

Those people taking maintenance pills for High Blood Pressure, Diabetes are not fit to vaccinate.

🔸3. 精神類疾病者如抑鬱症不予接種。

Those qualify for mental health disorders like Depression and anxiety is not suitable to vaccinate.

🔸4. 家族遺傳性疾病如白化病,不予接種。

Those with hereditary diseases like Albinism are not suitable to vaccinate.

🔸5. 心腦血管疾病不穩定,不予接種。

Those with unstable Cardiovascular diseases are not suitable to inoculate.

🔸6. 做過心臟手術時如心臟搭橋,不予接種。

Those underwent operation such as Coronary Bypass are not fit to vaccinate.

🔸7. 大手術後恢復期,不予接種。

Those who are recovering from major surgery are not fit to inoculate.

🔸8. 近三個月內使用過血液制品和免疫抑制者,不予接種。

Those who used Blood products and immunosupressive drugs for the last three months are not suitable to vaccinate.

🔸9. 服用優甲樂的人,不予接種。

Those taking Euthyrox are not suitable to inoculate.

🔸10. 被孕期婦女三到六個月,不予接種。

Pregnant women in their first to second trimester are not fit to vaccinate.

🔸11. 長期服用免疫抑制劑者,不予接種。

Those taking long term immunosuppressive drugs are not fit to vaccinate.

🔸12. 有中重度貧血者,不予接種。

Those suffer from Moderate to severe anemia should not be inoculated.

🔸13. 三個月內服用過抗病毒藥物抗過敏藥,抗生素的必須停藥,症狀消失,一到二週後方可接種。

Those taking antiviral and antibiotics drugs within three months time can be vaccinated only after one to two weeks of not taking the medicine provided that no symptoms persist.

🔸14. 乙肝l和幽門螺旋杆菌抗病毒期間不予接種。

Those with Hepatitis B and Helicobacter Pylori can’t be vaccinated.

🔸15. 高血壓控制穩定140/90以下才接種。

Those people with stable high blood pressure of 140/90 below can be vaccinated.

🔸16. 流感禁忌的本苗都禁忌接種。

Those with root origin from Flu prevention are prohibited to inoculate.

🔸17. 接種流感疫苗至9隔14天後才可接種。

Those people vaccinated with Flu virus can be inoculated after quarantine of 9-14 days.

• Is the Chinese government in fact advising this so that those with existing conditions will be killed off?
• Also is this only in respect of the Sinovac inoculation?
•What has your government said?

FrayedBear 9 Apr 19

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This is interesting because Americans and much of the world are not aware of the highly dangerous C19 vaccine conditions. You are 150 time greater chance of catching C19 from an American than a Chinese person. China is always ahead of the game.


Make yourself a tin foil hat.

For which points Joe?

@FrayedBear Fake News.

@barjoe All of it? The last three • points are my questions & I do question the authenticity. You are challenging without evidence. Please supply the evidence & I'll not only assess it but also pass it on.

@FrayedBear ill wait to see if this information appears in legitimate media. Bigfoot hides pretty well.

@barjoe here in Oz they won't publish truth unless its the death of the Queen's consort.

@FrayedBear Phil Mountbatten

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