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LINK Excuse For God Condoning Slavery | Jude-TX | Talk Heathen 05.17 - YouTube

The way to argue against those who claim the bible doesn't condone slavery.

redbai 8 Apr 29

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American laws are following biblical dictates. Capitalism slavery is in full force , you must submit to Authority-666 pay taxes.

and that no man should be able to BUY or to SELL, save he that hath [government issued identification] Revelations 13:17

Word Level 8 Apr 30, 2021

This post dovetails precisely with the previous post in this category. Have a look at that wheel of “Christian Excuses” and count how many the caller employed. But that’s the price you pay for being a Born Againster. It forces you to defend the morally and intellectually indefensible.


The caller knows what his fictitious God thinks? I contend a non-existent god doesn't condone anything, followers of god condone it and use the buybull to justify it. These are religious people on this YouTube. Religious people all suck and they don't know shit.

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