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LINK Hedges: Don’t Be Fooled By Joe Biden -

"Don’t be fooled by Joe Biden. He knows his infrastructure and education bills have as much chance at becoming law as the $15-dollar minimum wage or the $2,000 stimulus checks he promised us as a candidate. He knows his American Jobs Plan will never create “millions of good paying jobs – jobs Americans can raise their families on” any more than NAFTA, which he supported, would, as was also promised, create millions of good paying jobs. His mantra of “buy American” is worthless. He knows the vast majority of our consumer electronics, apparel, furniture and industrial supplies are made in China by workers who earn an average of one or two dollars an hour and lack unions and basic labor rights. He knows his call to lower deductibles and prescription drug costs in the Affordable Care Act will never be permitted by the corporations that profit from health care. He knows the corporate donors that fund the Democratic Party will ensure their lobbyists will continue to write the laws that guarantee they pay little or no taxes. He knows the corporate subsidies and tax incentives he proposes as a solution to the climate crisis will do nothing to halt oil and gas fracking, shut down coal-fired plants or halt the construction of new pipelines for gas-fired power plants. His promises of reform have no more weight than those peddled by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who Biden slavishly served and who also promised equality while betraying working men and women.

Biden is the epitome of the empty, amoral creature produced by our system of legalized bribery. His long political career in Congress was defined by representing the interests of big business, especially the credit card companies based in Delaware. He was nicknamed Senator Credit Card. He has always glibly told the public what it wants to hear and then sold them out. He was a prominent promoter and architect of a generation of federal “tough on crime” laws that helped militarize the nation’s police and more than doubled the population of the world’s largest prison system with harsh mandatory sentencing guidelines and laws that put people in prison for life for nonviolent drug crimes, even as his son struggled with addiction. He was a principal author of the Patriot Act, which began the stripping away of our most basic civil liberties. And there has never been a weapons system, or a war, he did not support.

Nothing substantial will change under Biden, despite the hyperventilating about him being the next FDR. Biden’s request for $715 billion for the Defense Department in fiscal year 2022, a $11.3 billion (1.6 percent) increase over 2021, will support the disastrous military provocations with China and Russia he embraces, the endless wars in the Middle East and the bloated defense industry. Wholesale government surveillance will not be curbed. Julian Assange will remain a target. The industries that were shipped overseas and the well-paying unionized jobs will not return. The grinding machinery of predatory capitalism, and the sadism that defines it, will poison the society as mercilessly under Biden as it did when Donald Trump was conducting his Twitter presidency."

WilliamCharles 8 May 3

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Other than that, what does he REALLY think about him?
More Republican negativity. Biden is a politician, yes, and therefore has to play the game if he wants to achieve high office.
BUT the differences between Democrats and Republicans are real and profound, no matter how many false equivalencies he wants to throw around.

Biden is and always has been a hold-your-nose candidate. No one was clamoring for Creepy Addled Uncle Joe. The Establishment Dems would have rather lost with a centrist than win with a progressive.

They specifically ignored what an unprecedented thing it was for a candidate who took no corporate money to challenge the status quo, other than rallying to crush it in order to maintain their death grip on the reins of power.

The ratfvckers denying the ratfvckery that took place are the worst ratfvckers of all. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. took part in that ratfvckery for his own ego's sake. He's nothing more than the barely functioning face of his puppetmasters wishes.


@WilliamCharles I disagree. The fact Uncle Joe is better than Trump is good enough for me. The only thing we disagree about is how MUCH better Joe is. I'd argue light-years better; you think marginally at best. I'd say the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step; you're already wondering where the oasis is.
William, the rich are building luxury underground cities to tide them over when the end comes...what does that tell you? We're all just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
OR we can hope the iceberg misses us this time.
I don't have a LOT of hope, but I have some.
You seem to advocating for a violent revolution. Could happen. In the meantime, we have to work with what we have.

@WilliamCharles The Establishment Dems would have rather lost with a centrist than win with a progressive.

Except they WON all three parts of the Government with a moderate and would have LOST all three with a progressive. Perhaps you should get out of your bubble and realize neither the more extreme ends of either Party will win power.Last time I read comments like your was from a Russian run berniebros site.

@RonWilliam53 Just my opinion.
Joe Biden took the tried-and-true method: ran as a centrist, governing as a liberal. Can he have EVERYTHING all at once? Of course not.

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