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Pineal gland psychedelic drug may explain human belief in life after death experiences. I think this is the drug mentioned in the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


Beowulfsfriend 9 May 11

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An interesting article. I wonder if the similarities of experience between those who took DMT have any correlation with Karl Jung's The Four Archetypes. We have psychological memory and genetic memory.


Hallucinations of some kind explain ALL of it.

Totally agree - here is science showing how.


And who gives a fuck? Certainly not me!

Yet you care enough to share that fact you don't give a fuck!🤣

@barjoe i give a fuck about opining in an opinion site.

@barjoe his opinion is almost always redickless.

@waitingforgodo bend over so you can experience my redicklessness.

@Mofo1953............ .back! back in your cage ! back i say!

@holdenc98 who the fuck are you?

@Mofo1953 ... ask your brain cell

@Mofo1953 after you SMD sweet thighs, you jejune jewel.

@holdenc98 projecting?

@waitingforgodo what no original thoughts even for moronic imbecilic retorts?


I don't know, have to ask Dr. Gonzo on that one, I liked the movie too

In the book, it was described as only able to be gotten from a live person, and alluded to that person not surviving giving it up.

I remember the part in the movie too about the peneal gland ",Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" with Jonny Depp @Beowulfsfriend


I think I must be deficient.

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